And Don’t Forget Those Earrings
If COVID-19 has affected your travel plans and you’re embracing the idea of a staycation, the fun doesn’t need to stop at what is new and locally available. Right now is a great time to take a different sort of trip—one down memory lane! While you don’t need to stop planning for your next exciting vacation, why not consider reliving your favorite travel memories with what’s right in front of you?
Cherished objects, like jewelry purchased on a special vacation, can serve as cues to reconstruct positive memories. A wide-brimmed floppy hat or a fancy piece of jewelry can reconnect you with the happy memories of the trip. Not only that, but a sentimental object can reinforce a sense of the connection with those who were with you at the time. There is a significant positive association between memorabilia and mood, and those who don’t have any cherished objects show a strong tendency toward lower mood in general. So, if you are up for boosting your mood, here are four suggestions to revive those special memories.
1. Take a Photo Journey
Flip through photos, make a scrapbook if you haven’t already or a digital slideshow if tech is more your thing. Start a travel blog to document previous travels and to have a place to record your staycation adventures and your future travels. Let your inner photographer loose and take some Instagram-worthy photos of the objects that remind you of your travels.
2. Cook to Recreate Memories
Objects aren’t the only items that jog memory. Our five senses come into play. Why not take advantage of that and recreate a favorite memory from a trip? With so many recipes and tutorials online, it isn’t difficult to learn how to make ropa vieja, bimbimbap, tikka masala or even the more complicated baklava. Light some candles, put some music characteristic of the locale, wear the same clothes and jewelry that you wore when you first tried the dish and see how your handiwork compares to your memories. If cooking isn’t your thing, order in. Choose a dish that reminds you of one savored while away!
3. Revive a Special Object
Taking some time to creatively rethink memorabilia can help not only with reliving memories; it can result in something new that you love even more. The best memories from scrapbooks might find new life in a shadow box on your wall. Or, a pair of earrings from years ago that don’t reflect your current tastes might be redesigned. That broken watch you loved so much – why not get it repaired so you can enjoy it today?
4. Zoom to Share Memories
Just because you can’t travel doesn’t mean you can’t share your trip down memory lane with some friends. Organize a Zoom call with some travel companions to reminisce about that trip you took together. Make a slide show of your adventures to share with them. Organize a virtual traveler’s scavenger hunt with friends like the one found at Lonely Planet. Use your happy memories to brighten someone else’s day. Did you know there are apps such as TouchNote and Postagram that allow you to turn your photos into physical postcards to send to friends and family? Just because you can’t see people doesn’t mean you can’t let them know you are thinking of them. Who knows, you might inspire them to take their own trip down memory lane.

If you have jewelry in need of repair or a family heirloom you’d like to re-imagine or simply spruce up, contact My Jewelry Repair today.
6 Ideas For Your Fall Staycation

There’s nothing like globetrotting to create some wonder and discovery and to provide a much-needed break from routine. But just because there’s a pandemic doesn’t mean you have to settle for boring. Here are six staycation ideas for the fall to experience some relaxation and adventure, with both budget and luxury options to suit your lifestyle.
1. Learn Something New
Don’t let limitations on travel limit your discovery. Many libraries are now open, and the web is always on. Sign out a book on a place you’ve always wanted to visit; or check out Travel Man , where British comedian Richard Ayoade and a celebrity guest spend 48 hours in cities across the globe exploring their unique offerings. Listen to radio stations from around the world . You can even tour museums, including virtual tours of jewelry exhibits. Learning is always a luxury, but all of these options fit nicely in any budget.
2. Go Local
You’ve heard the phrase “Be a tourist in your own town”? Try researching your own area the way you would any tourist destination. Check out the “must-see” destinations that you don’t normally have time for. Search for the best ice cream shops, and explore local museums. Scour an antique store near you for treasures. Even on a limited budget, consider placing an ad on a local buy and sell website for broken jewelry items. People may be quick to part with otherwise valuable items that you can reimagine or send in to My Jewelry Repair.
3. Change Your Surroundings
Desperate for a change of scenery? Swap houses with a friend or borrow a tent — consider camping in your own backyard before the nights get too cold. You can even change sleeping arrangements right within your own house; have a family sleepover, or do a big bed swap! Spend a night on the couch under a cozy blanket. If you have the budget, find a luxurious Airbnb where you can spend a few nights away and leave work behind.
4. Recreate Novelty Through Rentals
From the simplicity of a different brew of coffee to luxuries like soaking in a hot tub, a highlight of traveling is the novelty. Creating novelty doesn’t require a long-term investment when you consider the benefits of renting. With a modest budget, rent an inflatable castle for the kids to jump on or a hot tub for a nice evening soak. Some musicians are even offering their talents for driveway performances. If your budget is more generous, indulge in vacation-type rentals — a sports car or a Rent the Runway gown to go with your favorite jewelry for a night out.
5. Moving Right Along
The benefits of physical exercise are well documented. Just as you might try out a dance class or walk extra on vacation, consider an active adventure. Budget options include a hike or bike ride. Many on-demand streaming exercise services have a free trial period. Luxury options might include hiring a personal trainer for a week. Consider new workout clothes to give you a boost and get you in the mood.
6. Create a Lux Spa
Spas are often a favorite indulgence while globetrotting and a great way to release stress. That spa feeling can be recreated wherever you happen to be. On a budget, a new set of towels or a freshly pressed robe paired with some candles and a face mask can be a quick pick-me-up. If money isn’t a concern, hire a massage therapist for an in-home spa day. If DIY is more your style, consider some fall-scented candles, a luxurious robe and a specialty serum.

If you have a piece of jewelry that you’ve been meaning to get repaired or something that has just broken, don’t wait to fix it. Send it in to My Jewelry Repair today.
4 All-Around Fun Ideas for Your Next Staycation

Including Some Jewelry Tips
With COVID-19 continuing to affect travel plans, it may be time for a staycation. What’s a staycation? A vacation spent in one’s home country rather than abroad, or a vacation spent at home. Home doesn’t mean actually staying in your home, but getting out and exploring your city or town. Here are MJR’s top four all-around fun ideas (including some jewelry tips) for your next staycation.
1. Venture Into the Great Outdoors; #OptOutside
You know what’s not closed during the COVID pandemic? The great outdoors. Smart companies such as REI long ago circulated the hashtag #OptOutside. There’s nothing more thrilling than getting a box full of gear with the #OptOutside label on it.
Of course, many outdoor adventures call for you to swap out your family jewels for something simpler — like a simple but classic gold, white gold or sterling silver band (if you are married). If you’re new to hitting the hiking or biking trails, or to exercising outdoors, you should know that hands (and feet) tend to swell. Many people have been unable to remove their wedding rings from their ring fingers once the outdoor adventure has ended. So, be prepared and plan ahead with the proper jewelry or lack thereof.
2. Take a Day Trip to a Local Attraction
How safe are the outdoors? The New York Times recently asked. While they’re not perfect, they’re certainly safer than socializing indoors. So, if you must gather somewhere, consider a local outdoor attraction. This can range from theme parks to beaches to lakes and rivers (depending on your comfort level and whether or not they are open to the public). As we’re sure you’ve seen, many local Floridians are still enjoying staycations at Disney World in Orlando, some guests even reporting that they feel safer at Disney than they do at their local grocery store. So, for your next staycation, sit down and make a list of local attractions that attract you, and make a plan to venture out while being properly socially distanced. What’s in your area that you’ve never explored? Or, what’s worth repeating? Go out and do it.
3. Enjoy a Spa Day in Your Own Home
Not the outdoor adventure and exercise type? That’s okay. The idea behind the staycation is that it has something for everyone. Spa days, of course, involve leaving your cell phones in the “locker.” So, make a place to dump your silenced cell phone for a period of time, and don’t return to it. A spa-day staycation has one purpose: rest and relaxation.
Thankfully, during the COVID pandemic, many traditional spa activities can take the form of DIY (do it yourself). Are you a person who enjoys a good massage regularly? You might consider buying a shiatsu and letting this little machine give you a massage from the comfort of your own couch. If getting a great facial is your thing, consider spending a little more on a skin care product line and taking the five steps that make a facial great (cleansing, steaming,
massaging, peeling and moisturizing). Don’t, of course, forget to leave your fine jewelry in the locker, along with your buzzing cell phone. The point is to relax and not worry about valuables or work projects.
4. Redesign a Family Heirloom or Piece of Jewelry
If you’re more of the artistic type, consider spending your staycation playing some romantic music that reminds you of a distant culture or inspires you to design and imagine. This will be background music for your survey of family heirlooms and jewelry. What inspires you in your collection? What bores you? What has the potential to become something else? Maybe create a dream board of jewelry designs that you love on Pinterest, or spend some time hand sketching new designs and ideas for jewelry that are in your possession.

If you have jewelry in need of repair or a family heirloom you’d like to reimagine (or simply spruce up), contact My Jewelry Repair today.