Gemstone Resettings

My Jewelry Repair®

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Any setting, any damage, we’ll restore its luxury or even transform it into a new creation entirely. Restore your brilliance with a gemstone resetting today!


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Any type of gemstone, any type of setting, any type of jewelry:
We’ve got you covered.

Before & After #38 of a Moissanite Ring getting Premier Moissanite Resetting Services

(Before & After #38)

Before & After #132 of a Multi-Layer Square Halo Diamond Enagement Ring Receiving Premier Diamond Resetting Services

(Before & After #132)

The Trusted Online Mail-In Process for Gemstone Resetting

With locations on the east and west coast, we have the expertise to provide gemstone resetting services, with specialists equipped and skilled to handle your jewelry’s setting with such precision.

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Professional Services For Your Perfect Stone

Experience our renowned gemstone resetting services, skillfully performed by our Master Jewelers to seamlessly reset your gemstone, leaving no trace of intervention.

Adjusting your gemstone’s setting could encompass a wide spectrum of services, ranging from small delicate touches to full transformations.

For example, it could include tightening the tiny holders, or ‘prongs,’ to ensure your gemstones are secure. It might even extend to the complex craftsmanship involved in invisible setting work, or even to the extensive transformation of a full head replacement. All of these possibilities come together to present you with our luxuriously comprehensive gemstone resetting services.

We are proud members of the

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Our team includes gemologists certified by

White GIA Logo

Providing Premier Setting Services

Our Custom Setting Lab have been meticulously designed for our Master Craftsmen. It provides an ideal environment to concentrate on perfecting each diamond setting. This level of dedication and detail is what our premier manufacturing partners expect from us.

Our pristine labs boast state-of-the-art jeweler benches, the finest tools, and high-tech microscopes, all geared toward creating your perfect piece.

Master Jewelers Performing Premier Gemstone Setting Services in State-of-the-Art Setting Lab Work Benches

The blend of our Master Jewelers’ expertise, the precision tools at their disposal, and years of experience empower us to deliver the highest quality diamond resetting services right to your doorstep!

Diamond Ring Gemstone Resetting Services

Multiple Options of Insured Shipping

We offer free standard shipping* and many additional options of insurance plans to keep your precious package safe.
*Partnered Stores/Manufacturers may have their own requirements for shipping and/or insurance specifications.

Is it possible that you are in need of a Gemstone Resetting for your Invisible Setting?

An Invisible Setting demonstrates the rare jewelry technique of setting stones side-by-side, hiding the metalwork underneath, which can give the appearance of a larger stone. At My Jewelry Repair, we have a team of master jewelers who specialize in the crafting and repair of Invisible Settings. This also includes the process of Gemstone Resetting for an Invisible Set jewelry piece.

For more information regarding our Invisible Setting services, please visit our Invisible Setting Repairs service page.

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Have Questions?

How Do You Reset Gemstones?
Who Does Gemstone Resettings & Where Do I Go to Get It Done?
How Much Does a Gemstone Resetting Cost?
What Standard of Gemstones Does My Jewelry Repair Use?
How Does Gemstone Resetting Online Work?
How Long Does a Gemstone Resetting Service Typically Take?
You Have Questions, We Have Answers!


“Highly Recommend”

“My Jewelry Repair did a superb service. I was extremely pleased with the results. I will continue to have all of my Jewelry Repaired by

Sean Cerceo